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한미무용연합 진발레스쿨

한미무용 연합회(KOA Dance Federation)는 2003년 6월에 출범, 주정부에 공식 등록된 

비영리 문화예술봉사단체로   “Alliance of Korean and Western Dances” “아동을 위한  

꿈나무 인재양성 다 인종 커뮤니티 댄스프로그램 ”을 운영하고 있습니다. 

 무용에 대한 열정이 있음에도 불구하고 경제적인 어려움 때문에 무용교육을 받지 

못하는 학생들에게 체계적인 무용교육을 받을 기회를 제공하고 있습니다. 

무용을 통하여 학생들이 사회의 구성원으로서 당당하게 성장하고, 다양한 사회 봉사 

활동을 통하여 정체성과 자긍심을 키우고 문화예술 분야의 글로벌 리더가 되도록 

교육하는 것이 한미무용 연합회의 목적입니다.

대표 약력  

ᄋ 선화 예 중, 고 졸업.

ᄋ 이화여대 무용과 졸업. (발레전공)

ᄋ 바가노바  Smaltzoff Ballet School 수료.

ᄋ Ballet Nouveau 창단 멤버.

ᄋ 엘에이 한인회문화 예술 분과위원장 .

ᄋ 한국 무용교사협회 미지부 회장. 미주예총 재무 부회장

ᄋ 한미무용연합회장

ᄋ 무용칼럼니스트 “진최의 무용이야기” (한국일보, 스포츠 서울, 라디오코리아, 교차로) 연재

ᄋ Kindergarten Pre School (1.2.3, 스몰조이, 엘에이퍼스트 몬테소리 ) 발레교사

ᄋ 진발레스쿨원장

한미무용연합회 로고200.jpg

한미무용연합 진발레스쿨

KOA Mission

The City of Los Angeles is the ideal cultural melting pot. People speak different languages and have different cultures.

They have different perceptions and ideas. KOA Dance Federation believes that dance will be a good tool to unify these different cultures. Even if skin color or language is different, people can share their feelings and interact by dancing together.

KOA Dance Federation is composed of people who are 1.5 and 2nd generation Korean –American and other races.

We hold variety events such as dance performing seminars, festivals performances, senior centers, youth programs, schools,

and government events.

 In this way, the KOA Dance Federation helps to spread the beauty and grace of dance to the community and build harmony and compositions to get people together to change their dance performing cultures. Also, we educate younger generation performers and will improve performers’ status and their interests through these culture exchanges. Subsidiary associations of KOA Dance Federation are ballet, jazz, modern dance, and tap-dance association, etc. We expect that people who are leaders of the hip-hop and funky-modern dance movement will join us soon. These subsidiary organizations are performing different dance actively and exchange information for creative art dance.

The mission of KOA Dance Federation is to unify all subsidiary organizations and then to teach dance to minority’s children and make them learn how to concord with other communities. The mission is train the next generation of dancers.

Also, KOA offers free dance program services for underprivileged individuals particularly children, youth, and seniors to enrich lives and promote a healthy life style. To accomplish the mission, The KOA Dance Federation will interact with other ethnic dance organizations. Also, it will promote dance to be popular in the city of Los Angeles. 

KOA Dance Federation 한미무용연합회
" 꿈나무 발레리나 인재양성 프로그램"

한미무용연합회 Contact

3727  W . 6th Street  Suite 607  LA. CA. 90020

Tel : 323-428-4429

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